Novels and Book Writings

Not often considered in a content marketing strategy, stories and book writing can bolster your marketing success. Got an idea for a book but terrible at writing? Perhaps you don’t have the time or know-how to start. Don’t worry, that’s what we’re here for! We work with you to create a book that is enticing, thrilling and satisfying to read. The result? Your ideas with maximum impact. Get the best novel and book writing services now!

Warning – Writing Novels And Books Is Hard Work!

From C.S. Lewis to JK Rowling, every author will tell you that writing a book is hard going. From forming an idea, getting your thoughts down on paper to writing, editing and more editing it is incredibly time-consuming. When you’ve got so much to do in your day-to-day life it’s very difficult to see how you will find the time.

Get Online Novel Writing Services

Our creative novel and book writers work with you to gather your thoughts, understand what you want your book to look like and then do the hard work for you. In order to write a successful novel or book, you need a certain level of creativity and imagination. Thankfully, our ghost-writers have this in abundance. Just share your book writing ideas and we will deliver the best online book writing services!

By Using Content Beasts To Write Your Novel Or Book You Will:

  • Save time. A LOT of time
  • Be hiring people that really KNOW what it takes to write a great book
  • We’re objective. If we know something won’t work, we’ll tell you
  • Have control over how involved you are in the writing process
  • Keep hold of all rights to your book