Succeed In Your Content Marketing Strategy!

Want a hassle-free content marketing strategy?  Need results without all the fluff?  We’ve got you sorted!  With Content Beasts, we will help you devise a plan, produce killer content and get as many of the right people to see it as possible.  We start by getting to know you and your audience and will devise a content marketing strategy to meet your specific business goals.  We’re pretty brainy too and can use analytics to report on campaign success, meaning you’re able to make informed choices about your future.

Our team of talented writers enable you not just to sell but to grow and create a connection with your audience.  We help you provide value with the simple objective of increasing brand visibility and driving conversion.  We’re also brimming with new ideas guaranteed to get people talking about you and treating your competitors as an afterthought.

Seo Optimized Blogs And Articles

Blogs are a great way to engage with your audience directly, boost authority and influence your ideal customers to your website.  Done correctly, they can also increase internal links and backlinks to and from trusted high-ranking sites, helping you to rank better in search results

Quality Over Quantity

For us it’s all about quality.  By carefully researching what your competitors are talking about and current trends within your industry, we are able to bring value to your audience with every article and blog post that we write.  If it doesn’t add value or a serve a purpose, we don’t write about it.  All of our article and blog campaigns are centred around your marketing goals and your specific chosen target audience.

Generate Leads

Every article or blog post we create provides an opportunity for your audience to share your content with others.  By linking, tweeting or emailing to others you’re opening up the potential for more people to become future customers.

Establish yourself as an industry leader

Increase trust and authority among your customers by providing valuable, informative content.  Put simply, we make you look like know what you’re talking about!

Connect people with your brand

Grab their attention and pull them in!  Blog and article posting allows you to attach a human persona to your brand.   A tangible human voice that your potential customers can connect with.

Build relationships

By getting your audience to like and comment on your content, you build further trust and better understand your customer’s needs.  Convert these into future sales and you’re onto a winner.